Showing posts with label Blending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blending. Show all posts

Friday, March 20, 2020

Blending with Stencils - CAS - Clean & Simple

 I hope this post and video finds you all safe and making the best of the situation in the world right now. I watched a music video on Facebook this morning, "We are the World" and it literally made me cry. My heart breaks for all those affected by the pandemic worldwide. 
In an otherwise gloomy outside world, I continue to persevere here at home and try to focus on the positive. I have my health, my family and my STUDIO! So it's crafting that takes me to my happy place. 
For today's card, I wanted to show you how I masked off one of our stencils and blending some inks to create this clean and simple background. 
All the supplies I used are listed below and shown in the video I created to help keep you entertained. 
Question: Do you have this stencil or another one in mind that you can use? 
Let me know in the comments below if this inspired you. I love reading your comments!
Don't miss any posts! Click to LIKE

In other news...
Did you know there is a fun challenge happening right now on the blog? 
One lucky person is even going to get a card in the mail from me! 
You can see all the details HERE

**Supply List**
Please use this Host Code if your order does not exceed $199.00 (Before Tax & Shipping)
This helps my business so I can replenish supplies and continue posting on my blog and making videos. 
I appreciate your business very much!

Non-Stampin' Up! Products 
Post-it Tape 1-Inch -- [Amazon] T-Square Ruler -- [Amazon] Mechanical Eraser Tool -- [Amazon]

Disclaimer: I try to post universal links when possible. However, at times I can only find some items in Canada. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I might receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting My Inkie Fingers so I can continue to provide you with free content each week

Be Safe & Happy Stampin'!
(Click the image above to connect with me in other places online)
Links Powered by Tailwind

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ways to Use it Wednesday Ep4

I've been wanting to invest in some alcohol inks for some time, but I can't justify the cost when I have so many supplies on hand. I got to thinking and figured there just had to be a way to create the same effect, or at least close to the same with the current Stampin' Up! Re-inkers I own. And that's exactly what I did. I'm so excited to show you how you can do this yourself. 

You really have to watch the video, as it's so much better to "SEE" it than read about it.
Isn't that just the most amazing thing? I just love the way they turned out. 

I did say I would make a card using some of the pieces I created and I have a really great card in mind. 
UPDATE: You can see the cards I made with these backgrounds HERE

Question: Which technique did you prefer? The Watercolor paper or the photo paper?
Did you know there is a current Design Team Call? Details

Happy Stampin'!

**Supply List**
Non-Stampin' Up! Products 
Munchkin Silicone Mats -
Color Wheel -
SALE - Photo Paper (Glossy) -
Saran Wrap - Any brand you have on hand

**Some Non-Stampin' Up! supplies you may see me use I cannot provide links to due to conflicts of Stampin' Up! carrying a similar item. I will mark these items with 2 asterisks if they appeared in my video.
**Find me in other places online HERE**